Get extra funds for shopping, traveling, home improvements, or anything else you need to make the holiday season a merry one. This Holiday Loan is available through December 31.
- 7.75%* Annual Percentage Rate
- Maximum loan: $3,000
- up to 12 months
Here’s the math: - $3,000 for 12months @ 7.75% APR*
payment of $261 per month. Repay $3127.01 or - $3,000 120-day loan @ 7.75 APR*
Repay single payment of $3,078.60 (120 days)
*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Rate are subject to change without further notice. . Approval is based on the evaluation of applicant credit. Minimum Fico Score 700. You must be a UFCU member to apply.