If you purchased a vehicle and financed it somewhere else, you may have a higher interest rate and higher monthly payment. Consider refinancing your vehicle loan with UFCU – it just may save you money!
Benefits Include:
- Rates as low as 3.75% APR* for 36 Months. View our current rates
- Our vehicle loan applies to new and pre-owned vehicles
- Flexible repayment terms up to 72 months (new) and 60 months (pre-owned)
- Quick approval
- No pre-payment penalties
- No application fees
- 100% financing – no down payment required
- We lend across the country
Contact our Loan Supervisor to compare interest rates
*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. The actual APR of the loan is based upon credit score and capability to repay loan. Rates are subject to change without further notice. Limited time offer. You must be a member of UFCU to apply. Offer valid on new and pre-owned vehicle loans only and cannot be used to refinance an existing UFCU loan or with any other promotional offer. Vehicle loans over $5,000 require a minimum 760 FICO score Call 1-800-975-3328 or email John.Holtzhauer@Unilever.Com for qualifying details